Identifying and Supporting Lameness in Zoo Animals

13 November, 2024
6:00 PM


Melbourne, Victoria

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Each registration covers one person only. Please respect the presenter by registering each peron that will be attending or viewing the webinar. We will send you a link to the webinar close to the webinar time. You will also be able to view a recording. 
Costs are $40 for current ASZK members and $60 for non-members.

Webinar synopsis
Musculoskeletal issues of varying aetiology are a common form of pathology in zoo species and can be difficult to diagnose and treat in protected-contact animals. Subtle gait changes and lameness (which may indicate early development of pathology) can easily be missed until a more severe chronic condition develops; this is particularly common due to the large number and variety of species often within a Zoo professional’s care. An increasing body of research highlights the importance of a holistic approach to the management and treatment of musculoskeletal and neurological disease; as Zoo professionals are taught the importance of replicating an animal’s natural habitat and encouraging activity, but often musculoskeletal health is given less consideration.
This webinar aims to highlight the prevalence of musculoskeletal and neurological disease in captivity, and what environmental and of management aspects can be causal factors or contribute to an animal’s deterioration over time.
Early examples of rehabilitation within a zoo setting have relied heavily on singular modality e.g. laser or manual therapies, but research in domestic animals is starting to demonstrate the importance of replicating the holistic approach regularly employed in the human model, where a patient may see a Dr, Physiotherapist, occupational therapist and cognitive behavioural therapist for the treatment and management of long term MSK pathology.
This presentation will cover the importance of a multi-modal approach to the treatment and management of neurological and MSK pathology, as well as covering contemporary research in veterinary science.
Presenter Matthew Shackleton BSc (Hons) PGCert MScVetPhys MIRVAP(VP) 
Registration     Price Quantity

Registration ASZK member     $40.00
Registration Non member     $60.00
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A link will be sent for the webinar prior to the webinar via the registered email.


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