Saturday 14 September 2024
Government Departments / Agencies
and Local Government

Registration Form
Rotary Says No to DV Walk for Respect - Victoria Square to Elder Park

14 September, 2024
9:00 AM

Muster at Victoria Square
Victoria Square
Adelaide, South Australia

Open Map in new window

Use this Registration form to register your formal support in Rotary's 2024 Walk for Respect - Say No to Domestic Violence parade.

Once registered, we will ensure your Organisation is included on the website and we will talk with you about ways to personalise your involvment in the lead up to the day and on the day itself - we'll customise a level of involvement that suits.

Your Council / Department / Agency also has the option to choose to have a major Banner designed and printed ($500) to be carried by 2 members at the front of your group. We will start discussing the custom design of your banner swiftly. OR your staff / members can choose to walk with one of the Community Groups / Organisations walking in the Parade.

Alternatively ... your Organisation might choose to SPONSOR a Community Group / Organisation ($500) - in which case, your Organisation's Logo could appear on their banner to show the connection between yourselves and their Group.

Thank you for your enthusiasm to collectively say NO to Domestic Violence!
Registration     Quantity

Government Department    
Government Agency    
Local Government Council    

online registration system provided by: My Booking Manager
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